Kindly notice that without filling in properly the required Submit Complaint Form fields it will be next to impossible for the AskGamblers Complaints Team to initiate an adequate review of your complaint, to conduct proper investigation on the matter and help you resolve the issue.
Articles in this section
- What is AskGamblers Casino Complaint Service /AGCCS/?
- Who is allowed to use AskGamblers Casino Complaint Service /AGCCS/?
- How to submit a complaint?
- What should I watch out for when posting a complaint?
- Why all Submit Complaint Form fields are mandatory to fill in?
- How to attach files to my complaint and why it is advisable to do that?
- How long does it take to review and approve my complaint?
- My complaint was rejected. How come?
- My complaint was accepted and published. Now what?
- Can a complaint be reopened after it is rejected or closed as unresolved?
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